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Producer Testing

For part of my testing, I took my prosthetic to MidStar Labs on my last day of the internship. Rick, the prosthetist at MidStar, took a look at my design and prototype. He said that it is a very interesting design and idea. To make it in the real world, the spring material would have to absorb more pressure. He suggested carbon fiber, which is used in many other prosthetics. 

Rick also mentioned that I would have to figure out a system to hold the socket onto the leg. A vacuum seal would work great for this design if I added an inner layer into the "cage" (yellow part) of the model.

Consumer Testing

For the last part of my testing, I had another Zoom call with Lindsey Roy. We both thought about some other ideas during this meeting and gave me a few suggestions for the project.

Lindsey also thinks that my idea is unique and on to something. She suggested that the material would need to be stiffer to absorb pressure and that a rod or something needed to be added to stabilize the leg.

She also mentioned that the calf structure should be about the same size as the other leg and that clothes like pants need to be able to fit around the leg as well. 

We also brainstormed a few other ideas to conserve battery usage that is needed for the vacuum seal and ankle. 

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